Podcast With Josh Whiton

by Sitaram Das | Satsang With Sitaram Das

Satsang With Josh Whiton

I like being reminded of my years as an urban gardener. For years I had what I like to think of as a wildly energetic, permaculture experiment in my back yard. There were herbs and kale everywhere, and I was graced with birds and bees and butterflies. I was able to feed people out of my back yard on cool summer nights. I mixed soil with wild abandon, flew in earthworms, and tried to make them feel at home. I know it was a little more unkempt than my neighbors’s yard, she would look at me over the fence from her manicured little lawn and make fun of the compost pile.

In our conversation, Josh Whiton brought back some of these memories, and challenged me to think about how I might direct my life in such a way that I get my hands back in the dirt, pruning tomatoes, making tea with lavender and sage. Josh just founded an ecological research center in Sonoma County, and is building an app called ‘Make Soil’, where people can crowd source their food scraps, or “Broken Gods” as he likes to call the remnants of the food that gives us life.

Josh stopped by Casa De Sitaram Das last week, and we talked about so much more than just soil. We discussed our various definitions of consciousness and intelligence, healing modalities that help to integrate and create wholenesss, and the proper use of swords. I invite you to listen, and I hope you enjoy as much as I did.






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